Archives of Health Science and Research
Original Articles

Comparison of Psycho-Social Health in Pregnant Women with and Without Risk


Nene Hatun Kadın Doğum Hastanesi


Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ebelik Bölümü


Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Erzurum

Arch Health Sci Res 2014; 1: 32-42
Read: 3128 Downloads: 1174 Published: 20 December 2019

Aims: In the literature, there are studies evaluating the mental health and psycho-social health in pregnancy. But a study comparing risk and non-pregnant women has not been encountered. Starting from this idea, this research was conducted. Materials and Methods: This research is descriptive and comparative between groups qualified and has been made in Nenehatun Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Erzurum. The universe of research is composed of pregnant women admitted to hospital. This study was conducted with 232 (Risk=108, No Risk=124) pregnant women who volunteered to participate in the study without sample selection. Research data from March to December, 2013 regarding the official permission from the hospital and from pregnant women were collected after obtaining verbal consent. In the data collection and Pregnancy Psychosocial Health Assessment Questionnaire Scale (SAPS) by researchers using the technique of face to face interviews were applied. Data were evaluated using the SPSS program, frequency distribution, the chisquare, independent t test. Results: Pregnancy who participated in the study have reported that 46.6% women are in the 27-35 age group, 38.4% of pregnant women in the first pregnancy, which was 70.3% of the pregnancies wants, 85.3% received support during pregnancy and 68.7% of the received support from his wife was found. Studies of socio-demographic characteristics of the pregnant women comparison examined; groups and between socio-demographic characteristics (except for age, number of pregnancies and having problem in pregnancy) were found to not be a statistically significant difference (p> 0.05). Of pregnant women with and without risk of Psychosocial Health Assessment Questionnaire total and subscale scores are examined by comparing the mean; the characteristics of anxiety and stress, psycho-social support to the requirement characteristics, family characteristics and the dimensions of difference between the mean total scores were found to be statistically significant (p <0.05). Conclusion: Psycho-social health of pregnant women can be said that a good level. Pregnancy risk or no risk of being Psychosocial Health Assessment Questionnaire total score affect and the mean total scores of the risk pregnant women were found to be higher than without risk pregnant women.

EISSN 2687-4644