Archives of Health Science and Research

Evaluating the Relationship between Healthy Life Style Behaviours and Social Appearance Anxiety


Prof. Dr., Kafkas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Hemşireliği ABD, Kars


Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kafkas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği ABD, Kars


Doktora Öğrencisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hayat Boyu Öğrenme ve Yetişkin Eğitimi ABD, Ankara

Arch Health Sci Res 2019; 6: 120-126
DOI: 10.17681/hsp.429806
Read: 3296 Downloads: 1035 Published: 11 November 2019

Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors (HLSB-II) and social appearance anxiety (SAA) and to determine the factors that affect SAA.

Material and Method: This study is a descriptive correlational study and completed with 1143 people living in Kars province center. In gathering the data; socio-demographic characteristics form, "Personal Information Form", "Healthy Life Style Behaviors Scale-II" and "Social Appearance Anxiety Scale" were used.

Findings: In the analysis of the correlation, there is a positive correlation between social appearance anxiety score with healthy lifestyle behaviors scale total score and subfactor of this scale, health responsibility, physical activity, nutrition; there is a significant negative correlation between spiritual development and interpersonal relationships; there is not any correlation at stress management subfactor (p <0.05).

Conclusions and recommendations: Individuals living in the community should be encouraged to develop healthy lifestyle behaviors and appropriate health education practices should be developed to reduce social appearance anxiety.

EISSN 2687-4644