Archives of Health Science and Research
Original Articles

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Service Quality Standards with Eyes of Health Employee


Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi

Arch Health Sci Res 2015; 2: 62-73
Read: 2938 Downloads: 1010 Published: 20 December 2019

Aim: Main aim is; partitions created on the basis of criteria positive-negative evaluation by health workers and determination of remedial proposals. Methods: Our study was carried out to, teaching and research hospital in 2012 in a special branch of the Service Quality Standards and to determine the opinions of health employments for controls. The study sample, formed by 30 health workers. The data, generated to fill the questionnaire by researchers and filling was collected after the one on one group interviews with the participants. The obtained, evaluated percentage with the program SPSS. Results: The participants specific analysis on the criteria of their departments was evaluated; the following statements were the most common ones: The service quality standards positive impacts; A common language was created, standards were determined, it lead to shape and use of the patience and health care workers security applications, it decreased the percentage of the risk and activated preventive applications. The service quality standards enabled us to carry out effective evaluations and provided the registration safety. The negative impacts of the service quality standards; The time management was disrupted by the similar and repetitive registrations, the standards were not internalized by all of the occupational groups since the inspections only were held towards the nurses, it has high cost ranges, after the inspections the feedback mechanism was not activated on some criteria’s problematic sides, the opinions of the ones who are working to improve the standards was not taken. Conclusion: When the distribution of the points was checked, it has seen that 75,3 % of the health care workers said the service quality standards application is useful and they are content with the application.

EISSN 2687-4644