Archives of Health Science and Research

Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence in Patients with Gynecological Oncology Who Have Not Undergone Surgical Operation


Öğr. Gör. İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Yüksekokulu, Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü


Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü


Uzm. Hemş. Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi

Arch Health Sci Res 2019; 6: 293-298
DOI: 10.17681/hsp.453427
Read: 3324 Downloads: 1064 Published: 20 September 2019

Purpose: Despite the fact that urinary incontinence is reported in the treatment periods of gynecologic cancer patients, there are only a limited number of studies that did not detect urinary incontinence in the pre-treatment period. The aim of the study was to evaluate urinary incontinence in the period when they were diagnosed with gynecological cancer patients.


Materials and Methods: The study included 30 cancer patients and 30 healthy women in the gynecological oncology service in Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Oncology Education and Research Hospital. Participants' demographic information was recorded. Urinary incontinence was assessed with voiding diary, Incontinence Severity Index (ISI), International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form (ICIQ-SF).


Results: The mean age of participated in the study were found that women with gynecologic cancer was 50,88 ± 10.54 years and that of healthy women was 48.80 ± 8.69 years (p=0.411). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of ICIQ-SF score (p = 0.008). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of ISI score and voiding diary parameters (p> 0.05).


Conclusion: In the gynecological cancer group, it was found that urinary incontinence was more common than healthy group. As a result, we think that urological rehabilitation should be performed the period they are diagnosed on gynecologic cancer patients.

EISSN 2687-4644