Aim: The aim of the present study is to assess the relationship between female students’ experience of childhood neglect or abuse and self-esteem. Material and Methods: The current descriptive and correlational study was conducted among 335 female students who were studying nursing/midwife. “Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory” and questionnaire form was used to collect data. The data were obtained via face-to-face interview. Results: The mean Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory score was 69, 91 ± 16, 41. Of the students, 81% reported being exposed to scold and 74% neglected by their parents and in childhood period. Despite this, most of the participants reported to paid attention on nutrition and loved by their parents. Conclusion: The results reveal that female students in the sample have a medium level of self-esteem, there are some students who have experienced emotional and physical neglect, and students who experienced emotional and physical neglect have significantly lower self-esteem scores than those did not.