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Urinary Incontinence Prevelance and Risk Factors in Women at the Age of 20 and Over Living in Bornova


Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Ebelik Bölümü


Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi

Arch Health Sci Res 2018; 5: 414-423
DOI: 10.17681/hsp.385265
Read: 2841 Downloads: 992 Published: 15 December 2019

Aim: The study has been planned as cross-sectional type with the aim of examining the frequency of urinary incontinence and risk factors in women living in Bornova town. Method: The women over 20 living in nine districts where the midwife provide service have formed the population (n=32.284). The bigness of the smallest sample that had to be taken has been determined as 293 with a margin of error of 5% and 26% prevalence in 95% confidence interval by using Statcalc (Epi Info Version 6). The number of women who would be taken into sample group has been determined by using stratified sample selection. The data has been gathered by using a survey questioning women’s sociodemographic features and factors having a role in incontinence etiology that has been created in accordance with the literature and also by using ICIQ-SF (International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form) (Chronbachalfa=0.71) adapted by Çetinel and et al. (2004) to be used for Turkish society. ICIQ-SF cut-off value is 8. Findings: The age average of women taken into the study is 42.86±1.51 (min:20 max:81). 72.5% of women have been determined to have had vaginal delivery, 59.2% of them to have been applied episiotomy, in 7.3% of them vacuum has been used during delivery, 63.1% of them have been applied kristeller maneuver during delivery, 19.2% of them have undertaken bulky baby delivery, 11.1% of them have undertaken gynecological operation. 28.2% of women have been determined to had urinary incontinence, 31.0% of those who has urinary incontinence have been stated to have mixed type urinary incontinence 74.7% of them has a little incontinence. 73.6% of them have been determined not to consult doctor due to this problem. 58.6% of them do not  use pad/protective material. ICIQ-SF score average has been found as 7.67±4.28 (min:2 max:18), besides 42.5% of women have been found out to have urinary incontinence with an irritating level. Result: Approximately one of three women were found to have urinary incontinence problems. Age, education status, BMI, vaginal delivery, number of births, menopause, gynecologic operation history, and frequent urinary tract infections were found to be correlated with urinary incontinence.

EISSN 2687-4644