Archives of Health Science and Research

Taking Samples and Sending in Newborn Screening Tests and Responsibilities of Nurses


İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ebelik

Arch Health Sci Res 2018; 5: 102-106
DOI: 10.17681/hsp.323082
Read: 3282 Downloads: 1126 Published: 15 December 2019

Screening programs are being carried out to provide for a healthier starting to life of newborn babies in our country. The purpose of the newborn screening programs is to determine certain congenital diseases before they occur. In this regard, It is to start treatment as early as possible in order to prevent or improve the longterm outcome of the disease. Many affected infants may be able to maintain normal and healthy life with treatments that started shortly after birth when identified early in the scan. In this article, it is aimed to increase the awareness of nurses about responsibilities intake and delivery of the blood sample for the metabolic screening tests.

EISSN 2687-4644